Microstock doesn’t safeguard copyright

The so called “big-four” of Stock footage, photography, images, vector graphics, music, seems not to safeguard at all their assets and interests as they ignore to consider contributor work at risk when is stolen or reselled stealing it.

This happens in their own systems (Harry steals from John in A agency, then Harry sells in A agency, not elsewhere) and in other systems (Janet steals from Cindy in A agency, then Janet sells in B agency). This happens in youtube tutorials explaining how to steal, remove watermarks. This happens with entire rip-sites. This happens when user buy stock, transfer this high-res files online and leave there unchanged to be freely taken.

Agencies seems not to spend a dime in copyright protection. And this is very strange given they make money on this. But it’s clear: they earn 80%, so who cares a sod of everything else? It’t not their problem. Not their effort.

It should be in their own interest to protect what they mantain online to be sold. And it should be in their own interest to mantain contributors happy to make everything worth the effort. They’re pushing their luck because even if we love creating contents… we have to make a living to keep on creating.

Shutterstock’s “FROM NOW ON” – fake.

As you at Shutterstock perfectly know as you noticed us, from now on means … from now UNTIL 31 DECEMBER. So… it means I needed 11 MONTHS to reach level 5 with the new awful system. And everything will go down again in January.

Carissimi, questa bella comunicazione mi è arrivata da Shutterstock e potrebbe essere una notizia carina, no? Solo che dice “d’ora in poi”. Ed è una menzogna: i livelli, secondo la loro stessa informazione di qualche mese fa, verranno reimpostati automagicamente ad UNO a gennaio. Quindi io ci metto 11 mesi a raggiungere un livello decente, dico decente, non buono, smazzandomi e tra due mesi HOP, come se non avessi fatto niente, e per altr 11 mesi prezzi merda. Fantastico eh?

Lo hai accettato, adesso stai muto. Beh, io avevo accettato altro e i cambiamenti unilaterali di contratto non sono fantastici.